BCBS - In house app

UI/UX Design
Project Overview
Collabrating between teams, task and managers was defficalt before Inhouse App. App started out to just keep track of tickets and data. but then I realized communication was not the only problem, for UI team to contact database team for every API pull to clinets and eployees information. So due to this we'll have to create login for each user. Users and teams will get access to only dashboreds they have been approved. but before that lets look at example of user
My Role
As a team, we performed user research and competitive analysis, and created user flow, wireframes and prototype in a 6-week sprint. I worked on this real client project as part of my Academy Xi's UX/UI Design course.

Design Process

I researched by asking employees and managers who will be using this app. Also asked them to make list of things they wanna deract to in App. each managers had diffrent request and requerments for there teams. The process below begins with my initial ideas wireframes, then moves to mockups, and finally to the high-fidelity prototype. In this simple version, you can see how the I approach solving the users needs. There are customizable elements that users can drag and edit. There are preview areas where the user can directly see their design. Obviously this process was on going udates for Managers and teams. From Wireframes to Prototype, bringing idea to an interactive digital low-fidelity prototype and collect feedbacks from users.

Design Toolkit


We introduced the homepage in order to provide a central place for a user to go from when starting their Memento journey.
Users have the option to Record a Session or access their Saved Recordings.
There is also a short video that explains how the whole process works, again to reinforce the information we are trying to convey but this time in form of video.
We also Introduced our Help Bot. This button pops up and explains the elements of the apps. This is only shown once and only comes up when using the app for the first time.

Question Selection

We decided to introduce fun and friendly illustrations that would support the questions. We chose illustrations over pictures because they’re timeless and reflect emotional sentimentality of memories that are often not as deliberate and certain as a photograph.

Recording process

The recording process wasn't clear – both before, during and after the recording. Users were not aware that the app was recording all the time and assumed that they had to click a button to start a recording.
We decided on the iconography of the microphone to give the users the ability to start/pause/save their recordings. A power that wasn’t given to them in the previous prototype.
By doing this we have removed the uncertainty of knowing when the recording would begin and end.